Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Women's Team Final - US Wins Gold!

Final Standings
USA - 183.596
RUS - 178.530
ROU - 176.414
CHN - 174.430
CAN - 170.804
GRB - 170.495
ITA - 167.930
JPN - 166.646

The Team Final was everything I thought it would be and more. I am so so proud of all the gymnasts and the countries that competed today, and honestly they make this sport so wonderful to watch. 

The United States began on their most dominant rotation, Vault, and I don't know how it was possible that they exceeded their qualification scores, but they did, earning a team total of 48.132! Jordyn Wieber bounced back quickly from her disappointment in qualifications with a beautiful Amanar that scored a huge 15.933. Gabby Douglas also gave a wonderful Amanar, contributing a score of 15.966. And of course the vaulting specialist McKayla Maroney put up the best score of the night out of any gymnast, sticking her Amanar and scoring a HUGE 16.233! The US had their weakest event next, the Uneven Bars, but had no falls or major errors. Jordyn Wieber gave a solid performance scoring a 14.666, Kyla Ross improved her score over qualifications with a 14.933, and the bars superstar Gabby Douglas added a 15.2. Going to the balance beam, I was so nervous. The team was standing together and Aly Raisman was giving a pep talk, reminding them to be confident and just finish EVERY skill. Kyla was up first, and she hit with a wonderful routine, scoring a 15.133! Next up was Gabby, and she did the best beam routine I've EVER seen her do! I was so proud of her for dealing with the nerves and she scored 15.233. Aly was up last and she had a few wobbles and a step on the dismount, but scored a 14.933. Going into the last rotation, Russia and the US were very close. I was so so happy that we were up last on the last rotation, because in both Athens and Beijing we were up first, and I feel like that just feels like so much more pressure because you don't get to see how the other team is going to do. Unfortunately, the Russians had an awful rotation on floor .. 1 fall, 1 near fall, and a balked pass. The US did not let up at all, despite that. Gabby hit her routine. Jordyn went out and had the floor routine of her life, it was so amazing to see her smiling again all day. And of course Aly was the finale, the best tumbler and floor routine in the world! The second Aly saluted the judges at the end she started crying. I am so so so happy for this team I don't even know how to put it into words. I have been following gymnastics obsessively for 13 years now (ever since Elise Ray won the 2000 Nationals), and every Olympic year we had such high hopes for gold and always came up short. These girls are dedicated, hard working, and amazing people. They've trained their entire lives for this and it is finally their time and they reached their ultimate goal. I cried 3 different times after the meet ended, they are honestly just SO SPECIAL to me. 

I am SO happy that Russia got the silver, and I could not be more empathetic for them .. definitely know how silver feels. They started out decently on Vault, although Paseka ended up off of the mat, but other than that no major errors. Mustafina did not throw an Amanar, probably a wise idea considering she delivered a beautiful stuck DTY. Komova's Amanar was nowhere near the Americans, but ended up with a score of 15.833 nonetheless. They knew that their time to catch up was on the Uneven Bars anyway, and that they did. Grishina lead off with a decent but slightly lower scoring routine than the rest of the Russian lineup, scoring a 14.7. Mustafina delivered a brilliant set, scoring a whole point higher than her teammate with a 15.7. Anchor Komova also put up a 15.766. Balance Beam for the Russians was just average, they definitely could have done better. Mustafina nearly fell off twice and Komova had problems on her dismount. Going into Floor, they still had a shot. They needed 3 hit routines. Unfortunately, floor was a disaster. Mustafina put up a 14.8, but then Grishina had a near fall and balked on her second tumbling pass, which led to a 12.466. Then to make matters worse, Afanaseva fell on one of her tumbling passes, resulting in a 14.333. 

The Romanians ended up grabbing the bronze, and I was very happy with that as well. This is now 10 Olympics straight that the Romanians have medaled, thats pretty awesome. I think had Iorchade not have been injured that they would have probably done a little better. I saw a lot of discussion on Twitter that some thought their floor scores were too low. However, I'm sure that they will be happy with this bronze and I'm so happy that Izbasa and Ponor did amazingly on their events and also that we will be seeing them in the AA (Izbasa at least) and the Event Finals. 

China finished in 4th and to be completely honest I didn't pay attention to very many of their routines. I still have bitter feelings towards China since I believe that they cheat when it comes to the age eligibility rule. That being said, I do enjoy Yao Jinnan and Lu Sui, and I wish them both luck in the event finals.

Canada, Canada, Canada .. holy wow, they finished in 5th place! I am so extremely proud of their team, I love all of their gymnasts and my only wish is that my favorite Canadian gymnast, Peng Peng Lee, would have been able to compete. Their strongest performances came on vaulting and floor. I'm so happy for these girls, and happy that people will finally start to take them as serious competition from here on out.

After not even qualifying for Team Final 4 years ago in Beijing, the ladies of Great Britain should be extremely happy with their 6th place finish. I love this team as well. They are so much improved in the last quadrennia and it really shows. Their best event today was bars, led by their star Beth Tweddle. I'm so happy that Britain got to compete in the Team Final on their home soil, what an experience, and wow did they have some loyal fans!

I didn't see many of Italy's routines today but I did watch them on qualifying and I love that former World Champion, Vanessa Ferrari, is having a great Olympics! She had another solid day today and I can't wait to see her in the All Around.

Unfortunately Japan did not look very good today. They scored around 40 on every apparatus, and I think their team really just needs some rebuilding, a great all around athlete, and a little bit more confidence. 

Congratulations to all of the teams! You are all amazing.

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